¡Kitty Cottage es una organización sin fines de lucro financiada con fondos privados que depende completamente de donantes como usted! Trabajamos incansablemente para encontrar hogares para siempre para gatos y gatitos necesitados. Todos nuestros gatos están al día con sus vacunas, esterilizados / castrados y tienen un refugio acogedor al que llamar hogar temporal. Gracias a ti, podemos continuar nuestra misión.
Please visit the below website for important instruction on what to do if you find a kitten.
"When you discover kittens outdoors, it can be tempting to scoop them up and bring them indoors. However, it is important to know that this is almost never in a kitten’s best interest."

We are only able to assist kittens with the help of our amazing fosters. We have a limited amount of fosters each season, and can only help as many as our foster families can handle. Kittens are typically too small and a lot more prone to illnesses when they stay in the shelter, so the safest place for them is in a foster home until they are spayed, vaccinated and ready to place in their forever home. Click here to learn more about becoming a foster with us.
Please send us an email at if you would like to inquire about placing abandoned kittens with us. We do have surrender fees associated with a litter of kittens, as they are very expensive for a shelter to care for, and we are only run by public donations.
Please keep in mind that we are a CAGE-FREE animal shelter, meaning all of our cats interact with each other. Because of this, we cannot bring in adult strays off the street since they can potentially be carrying something that can pass on to our resident cats here. Unfortunately at this time, we do not have isolation space for situations like this. Please use the graph above or go to our resources tab for more information on what to do if you come across a stray and who may be able to assist.